Time for you...to be you

Kinesiology is a gentle holistic energy therapy, combining the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern muscle response testing techniques. Kinesiology uses simple, safe muscle response testing procedures to gain an insight into the areas of stress and imbalance within the energy system. It is based upon the premise that any issues within an energy system will eventually be reflected as a form of stress in the body. Kinesiology can be used to work on every aspect of a person’s wellbeing across the physical, psychological, emotional, nutritional and spiritual levels. Kinesiology uses specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, energy reflexes (using gentle acupressure) and emotional releasing techniques to identify and relieve imbalances which may be preventing the individual from enjoying optimum health.
What can you use Kinesiology for?
As Kinesiology works with the whole of the person it can bring relief from a vast array of ailments including but not limited to:
Emotional issues
Stress and anxiety
Digestive problems
Food sensitivities
Muscle pain
Poor posture
Weight management

Reiki is a gentle energy therapy where 'universal energy' is channelled through the hands. It can be used to help with a range of physical and emotional issues. Reiki is a passive therapy where you simply relax and receive the energy.

Appointments are available between:
10.00 - 14.00 Wednesday
10.00 - 16.00 Saturday