What to expect in a session?
Whether you are new to kinesiology or a returning client, at the start of the session we will have a chat about how you feel and what the most pressing issue is for you, for example this could be an emotional issue or physical pain that you are experiencing. Together we will agree on a positive goal that we will work towards during our session.
Using muscle response testing we will identify where there are energy imbalances in the body and establish which corrections will work best for you during the session. You will be fully clothed and can be on a couch or standing, whichever you prefer.
Corrections include but are not limited to:
Emotional Stress Release techniques
Neurolymphatic massage
Holding neurovascular points
Tracing meridians
Holding acupressure points
‘Retraining’ tight muscles using reactive muscle techniques
Beneficial food recommendations
Identifying food sensitivities
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Flower Essences
All the corrections used are designed to balance the energy flow around your energy systems which enables self-healing for the body and mind.
At the end of the session we will review your goal and see how your body has responded to the session. You will be given advice to work on outside of the session which will help you further achieve your goal.
How long will a session last?
Your first session will last approximately 1 hour 45 minutes and follow up sessions last 1 hour 15 minutes.
How many sessions will I need?
Some people find that their needs are met in one session, however, often our issues are like layers of an onion and it can take several sessions to work through them. Having three kinesiology sessions will give you a good indication of how your body is responding to the treatment. Ultimately, everyone is different and so are individuals responses. Lots of clients use kinesiology as an ongoing way of keeping their energy systems in balance.